Sasan Hospital / Contact Us / Access Routes

Contact Us

Contact with Sasan specialized Hospital

Address: No. 43, After the Palestine Cross, Keshavarz Boulevard, Valiasr Square, Tehran, Iran.

Access routes from the west of Tehran

If you are coming to Sasan hospital from the west of Tehran, Mehrabad Airport or West Tehran passenger bus terminal, you should reach Sasan Hospital via Azadi Ave, Enghelab Square, Nothern Kargar Ave and Keshavarz Boulevard. In case of using public transport, you should get on Azadi-7 Tir buses and get off at Sasan Hospital stop.

Access routes from the east of Tehran

If you are coming to the Sasan hospital from the east of Tehran or the northern cities of the country, you must follow the route from Imam Hossein Square and through Enghelab Ave to Valiasr intersection, enter Valiasr Ave, take the road to Valiasr Square and enter Keshavarz Boulevard. If you use public transport you can get on the Express buses from Tehranpars– Azadi and get off at Valiasr intersection and again get on express buses Rahahan-Tajrish  and get off at Vali Asr Square and walk 200 meters through Keshavarz Boulevard to reach the hospital

Access routes from the north of Tehran

If you are coming to Sasan hospital from north of Tehran, you should follow the directions to Tajrish Square, take south route on Valiasr Street to reach Valiasr Square and enter Keshavarz Boulevard. If using public transport, you can get on the Express Tajrish Express– Rahahan buses and get off at Valiasr Square and walk 200 meters through Keshavarz Boulevard to reach the hospital.

Access routes from the south of Tehran

If you are coming to Sasan Hospital from the south of Tehran or the south passenger terminal, the route leading to the Rahahan Square must be followed, take the northbound Valiasr Avenue to Valiasr Square and enter Keshavarz Boulevard. If using public transport, you can get on the Express Tajrish Express– Rahahan buses and get off at Valiasr Square and walk 200 meters through Keshavarz Boulevard to reach the hospital.

Call us

No 43, Felestin , Keshavarz blv, Valiasr sq,Tehran